Mickey Mouse Mickster
(Momma's Boy)
Momma's passed away at home on April 19, 2022
He was almost 13 and a half years old and was the BEST boy ever!!! He was my heart dog and when he passed I felt it physically. He will be FOREVER missed!! I wish they could live forever because I miss him SO very much it hurts!
Mickey Mouse was born in November 2008 in South Carolina. We drove almost 6 hours to pick up this bundle of joy and we are so glad we did!!! He has very long ears and large feet. Mickey is a energized, loving, whiny, houdini! He is always getting himself in some kind of trouble whether it is escaping out of the fence or chewing up my favorite shoes. His new nickname is "Loverboy" because all he wants to do is love on ya!! Him and Chloe are so funny together too!!! His best friend now is Minnie and they love to romp and play together. He also got his name because he has the shape of mickey mouse ears on the top of his head. He has become my snuggle bug always waiting for everyone to get out of his spot on the bed right beside me! He has fathered 6 beautiful litters of puppies so far! :)